Movies by Actor - Bobby Van (7 [Missing: 0]) 
Title | Year | Director | Genre | Rating | Runtime | Added |
Affairs of Dobie Gillis, ThePansy is sent off broken-hearted to an eastern school, but with help from Happy Stella Kowalski's all-girl band, several hundred students, and an enraged police force, Dobie secures Pansy's return to Grainbelt. | 1953 | Don Weis | Comedy,Musical | 6.1 (678 votes) | 72 | 20211228 |
Kiss Me KateAn ex-husband and wife team star in a musical version of 'The Taming of the Shrew'; off-stage, the production is troublesome with ex-lovers' quarrels and two gangsters looking for some money owed to them. | 1953 | George Sidney | Comedy,Musical,Romance | 7.1 (6.2K votes) | 109 | 20211228 |
Small Town GirlA judge's daughter keeps an eye on a playboy who gets 30 days in jail for speeding. | 1953 | László Kardos | Musical,Romance | 6.3 (769 votes) | 92 | 20211228 |
Navy vs. the Night MonstersBeware of the Night Crawlers ... their clutches will disintegrate you! | 1966 | Michael A. Hoey, Jon Hall, Arthur C. Pierce | Horror,Sci-Fi | 3.6 (721 votes) | 87 | 20220315 |
Doomsday Machine, TheSpies discover that the Red Chinese have built a "doomsday machine" capable of destroying the surface of the Earth, and that they plan to use it within a matter of days. | 1976 | Harry Hope, Lee Sholem, Herbert J. Leder | Sci-Fi | 2.6 (1.2K votes) | 83 | 20211228 |
Lost FlightThe captain of a downed airliner must help his crew and passengers survive on a deserted jungle island in the midst of a power struggle - an adult version of ""Lord of the Flies."" | 1970 | Leonard J. Horn | Action,Drama | 5.9 (192 votes) | 104 | 20230328 |
Lost HorizonWhile escaping war-torn China, a group of Europeans crash in the Himalayas, where they are rescued and taken to the mysterious Valley of the Blue Moon, Shangri-La. | 1973 | Charles Jarrott | Adventure,Drama,Fantasy | 5.3 (2.5K votes) | 150 | 20211228 |